Use "dampened his enthusiasm|dampen his enthusiasm" in a sentence

1. My many mistakes didn't dampen my enthusiasm for gardening.

2. Anthropology is his enthusiasm.

3. His enthusiasm knew no bounds .

4. 9 His enthusiasm was contagious .

5. His refusal iced our enthusiasm.

6. A delay of two hours did not dampen their enthusiasm .

7. He derived his enthusiasm for literature from his father.

8. Janet Magnusson watched his approach without enthusiasm.

9. His immense enthusiasm carried us all along.

10. His enthusiasm was in no way flagging.

11. His enthusiasm for aerobics was almost fanatical.

12. He managed to convey his enthusiasm to her.

13. His enthusiasm was somewhat lacking in spontaneity, I thought.

14. Manville re-read his personal dossier with mounting enthusiasm.

15. I can't work up any enthusiasm for his idea.

16. 1. Anglomania - an excessive enthusiasm for all things English enthusiasm - a lively interest; "enthusiasm for his program is growing" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection

17. His expression Brightened at the new arrival, nodding with enthusiasm of his own

18. The worst bankrupt is the person who lost his enthusiasm.

19. His innate enthusiasm rather Attractively translates into an appreciation for his fellow craftsmen.

20. He flooded the company with his good humor and enthusiasm.

21. He bated his breath when talking about this affair; capable of bating his enthusiasm.

22. His expression Brightened at the new arrival, nodding with enthusiasm of

23. His enthusiasm is starting to rub off on the rest of us.

24. In fact, his enthusiasm was so compelling that he became a firefighter in his hometown.

25. He retained a great deal of his old enthusiasm, and loved argumentation.

26. Richardson's enthusiasm made his visits great fun, but he could be brusque.

27. Enthusiasm " premature "

28. Intoxicated by his success and the enthusiasm of his adoring crowds, he cranked up his rhetoric and piled on the symbolism.

29. His enthusiasm excited me so much that I later chose surgery as a profession.

30. But the time spent at Battersea developed his skill and enthusiasm for combative sport.

31. Susan and I both were struck by the sincerity, enthusiasm, and rapidity of his response.

32. Our enthusiasm remained unabated.

33. His sheer volume of questions wore down my enthusiasm and some of my answers became perfunctory .

34. Of Enthusiasm or Ecstasy.

35. However, that didn’t seem to dampen enthusiasm, as “Camp Broadaxe served the area troops for many years as a summer camping facility

36. His personal missionary effort, his supervisory work of the Missionary Department, and his calling and training of mission presidents have been undertaken with enthusiasm.

37. The numbers reflect that enthusiasm.

38. Her enthusiasm made her eloquent.

39. Your enthusiasm is highly commendable .

40. Her tears had dampened his immaculate waistcoat.

41. I really admire your enthusiasm.

42. He is ebullient with enthusiasm.

43. He spoke with unwonted enthusiasm.

44. She spoke without much enthusiasm.

45. Her current enthusiasm is judo.

46. Alcazar brought youth and enthusiasm

47. They repress in heart's enthusiasm.

48. He spoke with characteristic enthusiasm.

49. They might even be prepared to overlook his enthusiasm for the euro, particularly in view of his laid-back attitude towards it.

50. Doing so will show your enthusiasm.

51. Father discourage the expression of enthusiasm.

52. We commended them for their enthusiasm.

53. He was greeted with ambivalent enthusiasm.

54. The actors' enthusiasm inspired the kids.

55. He started to fizz with enthusiasm.

56. We lack staunchness, pride and enthusiasm.

57. Ardour: great enthusiasm or passion

58. Avidity: Keen interest or enthusiasm

59. I really Admire your enthusiasm

60. They continued with undiminished enthusiasm.

61. Enthusiasm was radiating from her.

62. However, he decided not to order a halt to the backyard steel furnaces so as not to dampen the revolutionary enthusiasm of the masses.

63. He tried to inspire and pass on his enthusiasm to some of his friends , but they were too daunted by the task .

64. 1 word related to Anglomania: enthusiasm

65. Teaching calls for enthusiasm and selflessness.

66. Rob was just brimming with enthusiasm.

67. Elisabeth was no longer interested in these things but was captivated by the Colonel's enthusiasm for his subjects.

68. I didn't want to dampen his spirits.

69. Ardour definition: great enthusiasm or love:

70. Barbara answered with her customary enthusiasm.

71. He diffuses enthusiasm all around him.

72. Her enthusiasm will soon fade away.

73. Our enthusiasm soon began to ebb.

74. Sydney is afire with Olympic enthusiasm.

75. On the Glomar Challenger, and back on shore, Hall met others who shared his enthusiasm for the ocean floor.

76. Mintzberg deserves high praise for his perceptiveness in issuing these caveats about the widespread enthusiasm for the adhocracy arrangement.

77. 11 Her tears had dampened his immaculate waistcoat.

78. 4 He diffuses enthusiasm all around him.

79. By midday their enthusiasm had petered out.

80. 9 Rob was just brimming with enthusiasm.